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April 17, 2018

The Mvskoke Nation Youth Services (MNYS) is currently accepting applications for the 3rd Annual Mvskoke Youth Awards.  The Mvnettvlke Onaya (Youth Visionary) award recognizes Muscogee (Creek) youth ages 12-24 making an impact and inspiring their community. In addition to recognizing youth champions, MNYS also created the Vculvlke Mvnettvlke Emvnicv which means “old who helps the young”.  This award recognizes Muscogee (Creek) adults ages 25 and older who work to improve the lives of Mvskoke youth.  Nominations are now being accepted through May 18th.  Nominations can be submitted at  Contact MNYS if you have questions at 918-547-2557 or lbhgufreivprf@zhfpbtrrangvba.pbz.