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November 26, 2019

For Immediate Release
Nov. 26, 2019 
Media Contact: Darren DeLaune
O: (918) 732-7617
C: (918) 777-8457

Muscogee (Creek) Nation recognizes Foster Care and Adoption Month

Department holds training for foster care and adoptive families

OKMULGEE, Oklahoma — November is the National Foster Care and Adoption month in the United States. The Muscogee (Creek) Nation Children and Family Services (CFSA) do what they can to help the children who are in their care.

The theme for this month is, ‘My heart has been touched by adoption, has yours?’.

On Nov. 15, CFSA held a seminar in conjunction with MCN Behavioral Health and Substance Abuse Services (BHS) to give tips and motivational training to current foster care, adoptive families and new ones who are starting out.

CFSA Certification, Placement, Recruiting and Training Coordinator Robyn Wind said they hope the seminar can better assist and prepare families to deal with trauma that the children may have endured.

“We hope they can recognize the behaviors if the children are dealing with it now and could be dealing with it in the future,” she said.

Wind also said there are times when trauma may not come out in the children’s behavior until much later in life.

“If our families are better educated in dealing with the trauma, it could make a better life for the children,” she said.

BHS Director and seminar speaker Kyle Sprangle said there could be all different types of traumas that children have been through and he wants to help the parents understand their mental health as well as the child.

“When I talk about mental health and expectations, it is not only for the child, it is for the parent,” Sprangle said. “When the parents get these types of education, and they recognize those moments their child might be going through, they can think, become aware and understand why they are doing these types of behaviors.”

Sprangle hopes to continue these types of training with the parents and give them better preparation for their families.

“Unfortunately, the two hours that we have today is not enough to cover everything,” he said. “It can help to get the ball rolling and I hope we can meet at future dates to continue their education.”

Currently, there are 42 CFSA homes, which the staff said is not enough.

“We need more families that want to take our children in, either for foster care or adoption,” Wind said.
