Elder Sweet Heart Dance

Glenpool Conference Center 12205 S. Yukon Ave., Glenpool, OK, United States

Download the Flyer Call to Pre-Register: (918) 732-7765 *Capacity has been reached. Registration is now CLOSED. All Muscogee (Creek) elders ages 55 & up are invited to attend the Elder... View Article


NYCP Seeking Vendors/Resources for Eufaula Dormitory Celebration

MCN Eufaula Dormitory 716 Swadley Drive, Eufaula, OK, United States

The Muscogee Nation Native Youth Community Project would like to invite MCN programs, departments, and businesses to participate in the End-of-Year Celebration for our Eufaula Dormitory students and their families. We hope to provide an evening of fun and activities along with dinner and a resource fair.


Call for Volunteers: NYCP Cultural Dorm Night

MCN Eufaula Dormitory 716 Swadley Drive, Eufaula, OK, United States

The Muscogee Nation Native Youth Community Project would like to invite MCN employees, programs, and departments to participate in a Cultural Dorm Night at The Eufaula Dormitory. In celebration of Native American Heritage Month, we are asking volunteers to share a talent or story with our students.
